Classic Fine
What is a classic - apart from a book that stays around, read over and over, and loved year after year?
I've never understood quite what it is that makes some of the books I've written go down so well, and for so long. It clearly has nothing to do with the age group the book is aimed at, or whether it's serious or funny. It might help that I never try to climb on bandwagons. (By the time you're ready to be hoisted up on them, they've usually gone.)
Frances Hodgson Burnett, who wrote The Secret Garden, once said that all writers have a natural speed, and they tamper with that at their peril. So, by never signing a contract until I have each book almost completely finished, I can always take my time to get it exactly right, however many interruptions come along while I am writing.
But here are some of the real favourites.

(Click on the cover to find out more about any book).

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